WHERE SUCCESS FEELS as good as it looks


For as low as $97

For ambitious & driven Founders ready to redefine their relationship with success, moving from stress & striving to stepping into their power and restoring their peace

Join a supportive community with live calls and actionable strategies to treat the source, not just the symptoms. transforming how you experience life, find fulfillment, and achieve success.

past experience 

i know what you are

Online it looks like you're killing it and have it all together but behind the scenes you can never turn the work stress off.
The surface level anxiety lingers even when you're on vacation which prevents you from being present and receiving from the moment. It may have already started to affect your personal relationships. 

You have no idea and can’t even imagine what peace looks like because you’re operating from a state of daily anxiety, panic spiral of “what ifs” to the point that it’s become your new normal and to be brutally honest you can’t remember the last time you weren't stressed. 

secretly going through...

You’ve checked off all the online business milestone boxes, the instagram followers, the launch goals, the income goals and didn’t feel it at all because you thought hitting the next goal would finally feel different until you realized nothing was different and just left you exhausted, nothing is ever enough

Up until this point you've been a "strategy is the solution in business" type of founder because isn't that what business is all about, external results? But you're starting to realize that maybe your issues are not strategy related and you're feeling lost.

 “I know it’s just the perfectionist in me” or “yea, it’s just a mindset problem, I’ll get over it” yet despite being self aware you can’t overcome self sabotage and resistance so you try to bulldoze your way through it 

You feel bitter that business seems “easier” for other people and when this whole time you've equally “done all the things”. You've made the big investments, hustled, worked really hard, implemented all the strategies and yet you're not hitting the same level of success. 

When you experience an income dip you instantly start panicking because your self worth is tied to your income which leaves you feeling guilt, shame, and failure like it's all about to crash. 

  • In marketing  mindset either sounds too fluffy or spammy...which turns you off
  • You assume it’s journaling, meditating, affirmations, and having a rigid morning routine, or pay to be in my energy...which turns you off
  • You’ve read the self help books, listened to the podcasts, and even bought programs and yet you have no idea how to get started or implement any of it which leaves you feeling even more stuck...which turns you off
  • You can’t relate to anyone talking about doing “the worK” because they’re polar opposite from you. You’re ambitious, highly driven, strategic and worry that doing the inner work will force you to lose that identity...which turns you off

here we don't do affirmations or meditations...

...I get it, because those were my exact thoughts

You’ve achieved success by traditional standards, but it feels empty and disconnected from who you truly are. You’re stuck in patterns of overachievement driven by ego, feeling that success must look a certain way.

In our work together, we'll integrate all aspects of your identity, desires, life, and business into a cohesive, actionable plan. We’ll identify your authentic desires and map out clear, actionable next steps that reflect your true self, allowing you to grow in a way that is both expansive and genuinely satisfying.


You're on the verge of crossing the 6/7-figure mark next quarter, but instead of feeling excited, you’re second-guessing every move. The pressure to keep up and not make any mistakes has you paralyzed, and the external noise of expectations has you making decisions that don’t actually align with your true desires.

Together, we’ll help you cut through the noise and reconnect with your intuition, so you can make decisions with calm, clarity, and confidence. Imagine moving toward your goals, fully trusting yourself & the universe unbothered by external pressures, and aligned with what you genuinely want.


You’re already taking bold steps in your business, but your energy wavers between high confidence when you see external results and doubt in the silence. Your power feels conditional, fluctuating with every like, sale, or piece of feedback.

Together we'll create safety in your nervous system so you can stand in your power, even in silence, and take action aligned with your soul’s work—not for validation. Imagine moving forward confidently, knowing your worth isn’t tied to external outcomes even when your post has 5 likes. Together, we'll heal the drivers like self-doubt and scarcity, making your power unshakeable not conditional.


I will help you redefine success that
feels as good as it looks...

 here's how we integrate action + alignment 

Building a business takes intention, repeatability, and scalability.

What's included




An engaged  community that's not just here to ask questions but here to provide support & accountability.
A safe space to be vulnerable no matter how small or big the problem may be. Here we're not and don't have to worry about sounding like a victim, bringing the vibes down, or not being grateful. We value radical honesty. 

Each quarter participate in live interactive workshops taught by Anna on a variety of different topics from ego vs intuition in decision making, how to stop the spiral and neutralize emotions, How to break up with self sabotage just to name a few.   

Get personalized feedback from Anna Monday - Friday in the community channel and well as on the monthly group calls. At this point in your business your problems are nuanced and not black and white. Here is where we can dive deep and pinpoint what is blocking you and create a solution for it. 



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$997/ yearly (save $167)

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Building a business takes intention, repeatability, and scalability.

“Content is the most important part of running an online business.”

What's included


 hot seat coaching

LIVE workshops

An engaged  community that's not just here to ask questions but here to provide support & accountability.
A safe space to be vulnerable no matter how small or big the problem may be. Here we're not and don't have to worry about sounding like a victim, bringing the vibes down, or not being grateful. We value radical honesty. 

Get personalized feedback from Anna Monday - Friday in the community channel and well as on the monthly group calls. At this point in your business your problems are nuanced and not black and white. Here is where we can dive deep and pinpoint what is blocking you and create a solution for it. 

Each quarter participate in live interactive workshops taught by Anna on a variety of different topics from ego vs intuition in decision making, how to stop the spiral and neutralize emotions, How to break up with self sabotage just to name a few.   

A business that puts you first is waiting for 




$997/ yearly (save $167)

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the powerhouse membership

You’re a female entrepreneur starting to realize your problems may not be strategy related, and ready to start exploring integrating the inner work into your life and career but have no idea where to start or what that looks like.

Is for you if...

You want to join a community that doesn’t put pressure on sharing money which leaves you feeling guilt and shame. You want to feel that it’s safe to be vulnerable without the judgment of “I don’t want anyone to think I’m complaining or that I’m weak.”

You desire to wake up everyday and not feel like there's a weight on your chest because you're excited and feel alive in your business again

in the powerhouse membership master the tools & accountability support to...

You want action (strategy) + alignment (inner work tools) not just fluffy theories with no idea how to apply them in their day to day lives to see tangible results and you want to learn from someone who you can actually relate to. 

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Freedom from Pressure and Comparison: Break free from the constant need to measure up to others, focusing on your own unique path to success.

Unbothered Peace: Feel calm and at peace every day, even when challenges arise, maintaining a sense of balance and clarity.

Release from Perfectionism & Self Sabotage: Embrace imperfections and progress, allowing yourself to innovate and grow without fear of mistakes.

Radical Self-Trust: Trust your decisions and instincts deeply, moving forward with confidence in life and business.

Learn to love the progress as much as the wins: Experience daily fulfillment without relying on sales or milestones for validation of success.

let's do this

results from powerhouses like you 

Hi I’m Anna, strategy addicT & inner work convert

If you know me, then you know the fact that I created an inner work membership is truly ironic considering how much of a skeptic I used to be. But the truth is once I started integrating strategy & inner work every part of my business and lifestyle changed for the better.

I have a 10 year background in corporate marketing in NYC working for globally recognized brands and successfully scaled my business coaching business. I’m logical, strategic, ambitious, and highly driven. It’s all I’ve known and what drives my success, so strategy was always the solution for me...until it wasn't. 

My core belief was that no mater what you bulldoze through resistance, anxiety, pressure, burnout because mindset work is only for the weak and doesn't create tangible results in business. Until I suffered a loss and the grief spiraled me into a paralyzing depression that spiraled me into a rock bottom. 

Which left me asking myself "why am I doing any of this?"

Thus began my journey to finding balance between ambition and inner peace with tangible tools that combine action and alignment. 

I realized adding in inner work didn't take away my ambitious  identity or my strategy, it simply removed the pressure and expectations that were sabotaging my authentic core beliefs and desires from amplifying my success & lifestyle. 

Frequently asked questions




This offer does not come with 1-1 calls with Anna. However Anna leads every monthly call and is in the community channels answering questions Monday - Friday. 1-1 calls are available for purchase. 

Yes! This is a month to month membership

No. If you resonate with the the problems and goals on this sales page then this is for you. Women in this membership are 6-7 figures. 

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